Latest Updates

A North-South Divide audiobook now available
Fri, 11th December 2020

Alysha audiobook now available
Tue, 1st December 2020

My Best of 2019
Sat, 28th December 2019

The Honour of the Knights : Spanish Edition
Sat, 29th June 2019

My Best of 2018
Sat, 29th December 2018

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Alysha cover reveal!
Wed, 17th October 2018

Angry Robot Open Door update
Tue, 27th February 2018

Sat, 10th March 2018

A North-South Divide audiobook now available
Fri, 11th December 2020

The Dragon Mistress
Sat, 5th November 2016

Writing Progress


134,000 / 134,000 (100%)
A North-South Divide

112,000 / 112,000 (100%)


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Angry Robot Books' Open Door, 2017
Wed, 1st November 2017

Ah, rejection
Sun, 22nd October 2017

Finishing The Dragon Mistress
Thu, 5th October 2017

The Dragon Mistress rewrite (Part 2,172 of 3,182)
Wed, 16th August 2017

What comes next
Fri, 7th July 2017

The Dragon Mistress rewrite (Part 1 of 3,182)
Sat, 10th June 2017

Finishing The Cursed Man
Fri, 19th May 2017

Rewrites, edits, and more rewrites
Sat, 15th April 2017

My (current) writing routine
Fri, 17th March 2017

The Cursed Man opening chapter
Sat, 11th March 2017

The Cursed Man (almost) finished
Fri, 24th February 2017

The Cursed Man rewrite
Sat, 21st January 2017

Rough draft of The Dragon Mistress complete!
Sat, 17th December 2016

The Dragon Mistress, Pt. 2
Sat, 26th November 2016

The Dragon Mistress
Sat, 5th November 2016

The Cursed Man
Sat, 1st October 2016

Project Starfighter - The game vs the book
Wed, 28th May 2014

An interview with freelance editor Olivia Wood
Sat, 27th October 2012

About THE HONOUR OF THE KNIGHTS (Second Edition)
Sun, 5th June 2011

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