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A North-South Divide audiobook now available
Fri, 11th December 2020

Alysha audiobook now available
Tue, 1st December 2020

My Best of 2019
Sat, 28th December 2019

The Honour of the Knights : Spanish Edition
Sat, 29th June 2019

My Best of 2018
Sat, 29th December 2018

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Alysha cover reveal!
Wed, 17th October 2018

Angry Robot Open Door update
Tue, 27th February 2018

Sat, 10th March 2018

A North-South Divide audiobook now available
Fri, 11th December 2020

The Dragon Mistress
Sat, 5th November 2016

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134,000 / 134,000 (100%)
A North-South Divide

112,000 / 112,000 (100%)


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Project Starfighter - The game vs the book

Thu, 29th May 2014

Turning an open source 2D shoot 'em up into a video game isn't something that many writers would consider, but Project: Starfighter has always had a special place in my heart. There are a number of changes that needed to be made to the story (as well as additions!) and so I thought I would list them for those who are interested. Click the link below to find out more.

Project Starfighter - The game vs the book

Related News

A North-South Divide audiobook now available
Fri, 11th December 2020

Alysha audiobook now available
Tue, 1st December 2020

The Honour of the Knights : Spanish Edition
Sat, 29th June 2019

A North-South Divide and Alysha now available!
Mon, 22nd October 2018

Alysha cover reveal!
Wed, 17th October 2018

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