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Wed, 17th October 2018

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A North-South Divide audiobook now available
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A North-South Divide cover reveal!

Tue, 21st August 2018

I was sent the final cover for A NORTH-SOUTH DIVIDE yesterday and I have to say it's absolutely incredible:

This is the work of Dale Halvorsen, aka Joey Hifi, and is everything that I could've wanted the cover to be. Dale did a great job of capturing the feel of the story and transforming it into the art you see above. To say I was blown away when I saw the cover is a great understatement. It's one of the best fantasy covers I've ever seen!

The cover centrally depicts Duncan holding the amulet that is the key to ridding himself of his curse. Around him we can see his teammates and the dragon he encounters. I'll briefly annotate the various aspects.

As you can see, the cover is exceptionally detailed. I love seeing the characters brought to life this way. A NORTH-SOUTH DIVIDE will be available from 19th September 2018 from all major ebook retailers. Pre-order links will follow in the next couple of days. You can see more of Dale's work on his dropr profile:

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A North-South Divide audiobook now available
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The Honour of the Knights : Spanish Edition
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Mon, 22nd October 2018

Alysha cover reveal!
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