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Writing Progress


134,000 / 134,000 (100%)
A North-South Divide

112,000 / 112,000 (100%)


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Book Information

Title: The Battle for the Solar System (Complete)
Genre: Science Fiction
Publication Date: 1st December 2012
ISBN: 9780955856150
Word Count: 465,000

Visit for much more information on the novel trilogy!


The Pandoran war machine ravaged the galaxy, driving the human race to the brink of destruction. Seven men and women stood in its way. This is their story.

(Note: this book contains all three novels in the trilogy - The Honour of the Knights (Second Edition), The Third Side, and The Attribute of the Strong. It is not a fourth novel.

Where to Buy

THE BATTLE FOR THE SOLAR SYSTEM (COMPLETE TRILOGY) is available to buy from the following online ebook retailers:

Amazon UK |   Amazon US |   Amazon CA |   Amazon DE |   Amazon FR |   Amazon IT |   Amazon ES

Related Books

The Honour of the Knights (First Edition) (The Battle for the Solar System)
The Honour of the Knights (Second Edition) (Battle for the Solar System, #1)
The Third Side (Battle for the Solar System, #2)
The Attribute of the Strong (Battle for the Solar System, #3)

Related News

The Honour of the Knights : Spanish Edition
Sat, 29th June 2019

About THE HONOUR OF THE KNIGHTS (Second Edition)
Sun, 5th June 2011

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